
All participants by submitting their proposal paper must sign the letter of authorization to use information by the Institute for Economic Research in order to be events to publish the content of the paper, discussions or written or oral shares arising from the same on this web site.
You must print, sign, scan and send one of the following formats as appropriate:

Please note that the submission your paper registration and delivery of letter the authorization of use of information are required to ensure the inclusion of your paper in the program.
Structure of content:

  • Presentation title
  • Author's full name, institution, country and e-mail (including information for each of the authors, maximum 3)
  • Abstract (500 words maximum)
  • (Maximum four) Keywords
  • Introduction (500 words maximum)
  • Development (maximum 5000 words including theoretical framework, contrast method, results and discussion)
  • Conclusions (500 words maximum)
  • References in APA format. French bloodletting. List only references cited alphabetically

Participants must register their work by filling the following format:
Features Archive

  • The document must be recorded in .docx format.
  • The file must be named with the paternal last name of the first author (without spaces, lines, accents, ñ, points or special characters)
  • The text must be written to a single column and a space and a half, using the Arial font with size 11 points; except the title should be 12 points.

Duration of the presentation
Each presentation will have an extension of 15 minutes max (considering 5 minutes for questions and answers from the public).