International Seminar on Economic Theory and Policy 2024

The deadline to receive papers is extended until August 8, 2024

The National Autonomous University of Mexico, through the Institute of Economic Research (IIEc) and in collaboration with the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) and Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) presents the International Seminar on Economic Theory and Policy, with the topic:

Inflation and the Exchange Rate in Emerging Economies

The sixth edition of the International Seminar on Economic Theory and Policy 2024: "Inflation and the Exchange Rate in Emerging Economies" is an academic event that will allow you to integrate into the practices and trends of the economy in the world. On this occasion, it collaborates with the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE) and the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI).

In this critical space, the Institute of Economic Research (IIEc) of the UNAM aims to promote and develop economic theory and policy among researchers, professors, managers, entrepreneurs, and public administrators by linking it with the best national and international experiences and bringing you closer to experts and their researches.

We invite you to join this academic event and generate economic policy with a future vision.


Due to the current problems faced by emerging economies, the objective is to deepen the study of various fields of the economy, such as the situation of countries with inflationary processes and the impact of the exchange rate. During the second half of the 1950s, the discussion of structuralist thinking regarding orthodox monetarist conception was controversial. The debate brought with it the need to rethink and analyze more deeply issues such as inflation and its relationship with the exchange rate. Knowing that inflation is a monetary and international phenomenon, the structuralist analysis attempts to explain it through basic (structural) causes and propagation mechanisms, referring to structures as the changes and transformations of economic variables presented in the long term and mechanisms such as the management of monetary instruments. In addition, the exchange rate is considered a phenomenon with a high impact not only on the inflationary phenomenon but also on the functioning of the proper performance of an economy where exchange rate polices play a fundamental role in stability and economic growth.

In the current context, new concerns arise and lead us to another type of analysis to answer fundamental questions such as: What elements are capable of giving rise to inflationary imbalances? What factors must be considered to restore these imbalances in emerging economies? How does an inflationary process affect economic development? What is the importance of the exchange rate stability? What is the impact of the devaluation or overvaluation of a currency? What role does the exchange rate play in international trade?

The questions above are part of the economic policy agenda, which is of particular interest to economists and policymakers. The theoretical instruments of the new development agenda have left behind neoliberal approaches, showing that developing countries must be the main promoters of their economic growth and development.


The 6th edition of SITEPE aims to present proposals for instruments, interventions, and public policies focus on understanding inflationary imbalances and the impact of exchange rate devaluation and overvaluation in emerging economies.

Thematic Lines

Section 1: Causes of Inflationary Imbalances
Section 2: Measures to Contain and Reduce Inflationary Processes
Section 3: Consequences of Inflationary Processes on Economic Development
Section 4: The Impact of the Exchange Rate on International Rate
Section 5: The Relationship Between the Exchange Rate and International Reserves
Section 6: Causes of Exchange Rate Devaluation and Overvaluation
Section 7: Exchange Rate and Anti-inflationary Policies in Emerging Economies

Mode and Venue

The event will take place on Thursday, November 7th, and Friday, November 8th, 2024, in person in Mexico City at the Institute of Economic Research (IIEc) of the UNAM. Selected papers will be presented at the seminar and will receive feedback from experts on the topic. Abstracts and papers will be accepted on the SITEPE website.

The call will be published through various platforms to disseminate and invite speakers from within and outside Mexico. YSI will allocate travel grants to selected works of young academics. Participants must indicate whether they wish to be considered for the said grant when submitting their abstract.

Submission of Abstract and Full Paper

The abstract of your paper must be uploaded to In a PDF file with Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5, and will follow the citation and reference model of the American Psychological Association (APA). The abstract should not exceed 250 words.

Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by email and published on the same website. Selected papers will be presented at the seminar.

Publication of Papers

Selected papers may be included in the book "Inflation and the exchange rate in Emerging Economies", co-edited by CIDE (Dr. Rodrigo Aliphat) and UNAM (Dr. Andrés Blancas Neria).

Important Dates
Opening of the call May 27th, 2024
Submission of abstracts May 27th – August 2nd, 2024
Confirmation of accepted papers August 16th, 2024
Submission of full paper October 4th, 2024
Publication of program October 25th, 2024
Seminar November 7th and 8th, 2024
Submission of document for the book chapter December 13th, 2024

Participating Institutions

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)-Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IIEc-UNAM)
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE)
Young Scholars Initiative (YSI).


Andrés Blancas Neria – IIEc-UNAM
Rodrigo Aliphat Rodríguez – CIDE
Óscar Arturo García González – CIDE, YSI